As a gifts in Wills supporter, Peter is a humanitarian at heart.
Peter’s belief in the potential of humanity, and the valuable contributions of individuals, inspires him to help ensure such potential can be realised to the fullest. For Peter, cancer robs individuals, families, and humanity of hopes and dreams and he is proactively doing what he can to change this.
“I have a social conscious and I think it’s important to try and help out where one can, whether that be donations, research, or a bequest,” said Peter.
Peter's dedication to cancer research and prevention inspired him to a leave a gift in his Will to Cancer Council Victoria
“I’m leaving a gift in my Will to Cancer Council Victoria in the hope that it can facilitate research and cancer awareness in the future.”
Peter has a long involvement with Cancer Council Victoria. As a participant in the Australian Breakthrough Cancer (ABC) Study, he is contributing to a vital longitudinal cohort study examining the causes of non-communicable diseases, particularly cancer. By contributing lifestyle and health data, Peter and 52,000 other participants are helping us understand patterns in cancer incidence, particularly how our genes and lifestyle can influence cancer risk.
When possible, Peter also speaks out on practical ways to support cancer research and prevention by encouraging others to participate in cancer screening programs when eligible, or to get involved through fundraising, volunteering, or leaving a bequest.
With a family history of prostate and ovarian cancer, this is a cause close to his heart, but Peter’s outlook is broader, where he sees himself as part of something bigger – as meaningfully contributing to the future of humanity. This has inspired Peter to leave a gift in his Will to Cancer Council Victoria.
“All of us have value, all of us are important to another person. We’re all important to our friends, to our family, we’re all important to the future generations. My gift, I hope, will enable a better future for us all. Hope for a better quality of life, less suffering, less disease, less illness.
“In some ways it’s an endorsement too that my life achieved something, that I’ve done something worthwhile.”
Your Will can change the world
If you are considering leaving a gift in your Will to Cancer Council Victoria, or would like to know more, contact our friendly team at or 03 9514 6828.
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