We mobilise participation in cancer immunisation programs and cancer screening to ensure early detection.
By working closely with priority communities, we work towards ensuring equity in cancer immunisation and screening to reduce disparities in cancer outcomes across Victoria. We advocate for sustained investment in national cancer screening and immunisation programs and work with all levels of government to ensure high rates of participation in these programs.
Eliminating cervical cancer
Imagine a world without cervical cancer.
Cancer Council Victoria has established the Eliminating Cervical Cancer Fund with an initial $2 million investment to eliminate cervical cancer in Victoria by 2030, making it the first jurisdiction in the world to eliminate cervical cancer.
With the lowest cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates in Australia, Victoria is the world leader in cervical cancer control. However, immunisation and screening rates are low in some priority communities. This means that there is a real risk for cervical cancer to be a disease of the disadvantage.
A concerted and strategic effort is required to further increase Victoria’s immunisation, screening and treatment rates in order to fast-track reaching the elimination target by 2030, and to do it in an equitable way.
Cancer Council Victoria will bring together expertise from state and federal government, philanthropic partners, peak health bodies, research agencies and other community organisations to co-develop a truly comprehensive and multi-faceted strategy that is equitable and scalable.
By partnering with organisations who share our vision we can fast track the elimination of cervical cancer in Victoria and contribute to the international effort to eliminate cervical cancer as a global health issue.
Reducing liver cancer
In Victoria, liver cancer is the fastest increasing cause of cancer incidence and death. A major risk factor for liver cancer is untreated hepatitis B and C which disproportionately effects migrant and refugee communities.
Despite the availability and effectiveness of treatment and vaccination of hepatitis, there are major gaps in the continuum of care for people with chronic hepatitis which raises their risk of liver cancer.
We seek to address the barriers to early detection and treatment of hepatitis in order to reduce the impact of liver cancer in diverse communities through an integrated program of three activities:
- Enable systems change in primary care through nurses and practice managers to increase viral hepatitis management among priority groups.
- Deliver a communication campaign for at risk communities.
- Influence change through advocating for policies and adoption of best practices to improve the continuum of care for people with viral hepatitis.
Contact us
If you're passionate about a specific cancer type, contact us at 03 9514 6159 or philanthropy@cancervic.org.au to discuss other types of research funded or conducted by Cancer Council Victoria.