Data is provided to researchers on a cost recovery basis.
Individuals wishing to access information about themselves can usually obtain this information without cost.
Our Data Analysts and Data Linkage Coordinator have extensive experience conducting research using our data. The cost we quote is dependent on the complexity of the task.
The hourly price guide is outlined below. Our staff will provide an indication of the effort in hours to complete the task before you commit to us undertaking the work.
- Aggregate data reports, and Individual case record data extract from the registry:
- First hour free.
- Subsequent fee is $180 per hour.
- Data linkage service:
- For data linkage work, the complexity of the task is dependent on the completeness and number of identifiable fields to which we will link and the format in which it is provided. Please refer to the VCR Linkage - Guidelines for submitting data (PDF) to assist you in preparing data for linkage. Data which has been properly ‘cleaned’ or prepared will require less time to link and could minimise costs.
- The cost of linkage varies for each project. For this reason, each request will be discussed with the researcher and a quote will be provided once factors associated with the complexity of the task and data quality are known. The fee will be based on several factors, commonly including:
- the number of datasets from which information is requested
- number of years
- number of individuals in the study
- class of user/s
- whether the study involves linking a dataset that has not previously been linked, and
- the number of ‘passes’ of data through the data linkage software. A pass involves assessing matches based on several data element combinations. With each pass the likelihood of finding a match decreases and the time taken for clerical review increases. The Linkage Coordinator will discuss costs associated with each pass of the data.
- Research recruitment services:
- Recruitment costs will depend on complexity of the project. In providing a cost estimate, our Recruitment Services team will consider, among other things:
- the recruitment strategy (who is contacted, how they are contacted and how follow-up of non-responders are addressed)
- clerical costs associated with processing of notifications
- the infrastructure researchers have in place to support recruitment (including databases which have been developed)
- the size of the cohort you aim to recruit.
If you'd like to know more, you can speak to us directly.
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